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온라인 개막식은
Online Opening Ceremony with ‘100 Global Citizen Representatives of Busan’
부산광역시시장권한대행 및 주한알제리대사의 인사말씀, 축제 비전과 목표 소개, 부산출신 유명 여행유튜버의 축제 온라인 플랫폼 소개, 2021년 축제 방향성을 제시하는 100인의 부산세계시민단의 축제 어젠더 발표로 구성됩니다.
features greetings from the acting mayor of Busan Metropolitan City and the Ambassador of Algeria in Seoul along with the vision and goal of the festival. And the introduction of the online platform will be made by a renowned Youtuber from Busan. Last but not least, presentation of the festival agenda of ‘100 Global Citizen Representatives of Busan,’ which suggests the direction of the 15th event, will also be introduced.