라이프인부산 주메뉴
조회 309
통합관리자 2025-02-07 00:00
외국인등록증(영주증, 국내거소신고증 포함) 발급 수수료 인상 안내
□ 대상 : 2025.1.1. 부터 외국인등록증 발급 신청자
□ 인상 후 수수료: 3만 5천원
□ 기존에 발급받은 외국인등록증은 유효기간 만료 등 별도의 사유가 발생하지 않는 한 교체없이 사용이 가능하며, 본인이 신규 외국인등록증으로 재발급을 희망할 경우 인상된 수수료를 납부해야 합니다.
Application Fee Raise for Alien Registration
Effective January 1, 2025, Foreign Residence Cards with embedded IC (integrated circuit) chips will be issued and the issuance fee for the Foreign Residence Cards
(including Permanent Residence Cards and Overseas Korean Residence Cards) will be increased.
□ For whom: Those who newly issue Foreign Residence Cards, starting January, 1, 2025
□ New Issuance Fee: 35,000 won (previously 30,000 won)
□ Existing Foreign Residence Cards will remain valid and do not need to be replaced unless required, such as in case of expiration. However, if the cardholders choose to reissue their cards, the new fee will be applied.