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2025년 부산근현대역사관 SNS기자단 모집

조회 366

통합관리자 2025-02-11 00:00

2025년 부산근현대역사관 SNS기자단 모집

- 모 집 명: 2025년 부산근현대역사관 SNS 기자단 <부산근현대역사관과 친구들>
- 모집기간: 2025. 2. 10.(월) ~ 22.(토)
- 접수기간: 2025. 2. 17.(월) ~ 22.(토)* 접수 마감시간 22시 
- 모집인원: 총 8명(블로그 3명, 인스타그램 3명, 유튜브 2명)
- 모집방법: 공개모집(담당자 전자우편 접수
-신청자격: 부산근현대역사관 및 역사문화에 관심 있는 누구나 가능


The Busan Museum of Modern and Contemporary History is recruiting SNS reporters in 2025! A total of 8 people will be selected in 3 fields: blog (3 people), Instagram (3 people), and YouTube (2 people), and the activity period is from March to December!

- Application period: February 17 (Mon) ~ February 22 (Sat) *Application deadline 22:00 
- Qualifications: Those interested in the Busan Museum of Modern and Contemporary History and historical culture
- Activity: Producing content promoting the museum's exhibitions, education, and event programs, and promoting detailed programs through various platforms such as blogs, SNS, and YouTube 
- How to apply: Download the application form from the Busan Museum of Modern and Contemporary History website, fill it out, and submit it (receive by email to the person in charge) 
An opportunity to widely promote the charm of the museum and gain experience in producing various content!
Apply now! 